
Hey Mr. Stark,

Remember how you told me not to worry Happy too much, so I decided to write to you instead. Well Miss Potts invited me for dinner yesterday. Happy, Harley and Mr. Rhodes were there too. At first I was thinking about not going, but Morgan would've been so angry if I hadn't gone.

As soon as I entered through the door she came running wearing Miss Potts's purple iron helmet , jumped over me and screamed "cheeseburgers!!". Obviously I had cheeseburgers with me, I couldn't risk making her cry. Miss Potts was so happy to see me too. She is fine, by the way. As loving and caring as always. She says, "parenting Morgan is the same like parenting Tony", her words not mine.

Happy and Mr. Rhodes keep on asking me if I'm using the EDITH glasses responsibly and I shouldn't lose them. I wish they would understand that I can never lose them. I mean how can I lose something that was yours. Harley and I have become really good friends but he always talks about developing new tech and I only know how to use it , so yeah, we're still trying to have a common ground for conversation.

What about me? I'm still trying to be an avenger like you wanted me to be. But being the friendly neighborhood spiderman has always been something I love to do.

The whole time I was there, I kept imagining that you would come up from the basement stairs and say "Hey kid! Long time no see. How's your aunt?", but I guess it'll just be imagination now.

Also, Miss Potts wanted you to know that Morgan loves her 2000 now. I know it's not 3000 and it can never be because that's a special place for you, and only you. And yeah, We miss you. All of us. We try not to show it often but we do.
